Aren’t you getting tired of this? I am. Let’s just cut to the chase. We got the bees home, and the next morning they were crazy busy…and busy loooong before my other bees. The air and the garden and the woods were full of them checking out their new surroundings.
When I went to feed them, they were already festooning like a new swarm. It was delightful to see.
Then we went on vacation.
When we came back, they were less vigorous, though they’d eaten all the sugar water I’d left them.
I fed them again, and though their activity has slowed, there are still new bees orienting out there this afternoon.
I’ll bet they die. Everyone tells me that this rescue was too late in the season for them to have much chance of survival. Which is a major bummer. But we’ll see. I’ll keep you updated.
The End