Welcome to TwoHoneys Bee Co.—Cincinnati’s Bee Connection
TwoHoneys Bee Co. is a treatment-free, full-service honeybee company located wherever the bees fly in Cincinnati, Ohio.
We beekeepers are a lucky bunch…we live our days in the company of honeybees. The smell of smoke and honey and beeswax lingers in our clothes and in our hair; we get to wear cool hats. But we know not everyone (yet) takes such delight in the bees as we do.
So, if you discover a swarm of honeybees, or if you discover a colony of honeybees sharing your home with you, TwoHoneys Bee Co. will happily remove, collect, and re-hive them to one of our beeyards or into the care of our Bee Stewards.
The bees you save will live without chemical treatments, they will pollinate the trees and flowers and fruit and vegetables in our community, and they will eventually provide you and your neighbors with delicious, pure, raw, local honey. And, believe it…nothing tastes so good as honey made from what blooms in your own backyard.
And if you’re interested in keeping bees of your own, we can help you begin on a good foot with that, too.
TwoHoneys Bee Co. practices sustainable, manageable, treatment-free beekeeping—we do this by developing and nurturing an ever-expanding network of awesome Cincinnati Bee Stewards…wonderful citizens who keep hives of TwoHoneys bees on their property or in their yards in exchange for hands-on beekeeping experience and honey. If you live in the Greater Cincinnati area, and if a little voice no one else can hear keeps telling you that you want to learn to keep bees, please contact us. We’ve heard that little voice, too, and we’ve learned to listen to it.